Ray has sent a couple of emails my way sharing some of his latest quilt finishes and now I get to share them with you.
Ray writes:
“Just finished putting the binding on this quilt that came from the Creso ladies via you. This is another top that they made as a part of their orphan block marathon last winter.
The ladies are masters at taking bits and pieces and creating a work of art. I love all the bright and cheery colors on the top. A lot of the fabrics on the top have flowers/daisies in the pattern. Therefore, I decided to use the floral motif for the quilting. The backing came from Deb and Pat in FL and frames the quilt nicely without distracting from the quilt itself.
I used white thread on the front and bone-colored thread on the back. My thanks to you, the Cresco ladies, Deb and Pat for the awesome materials to make this wonderful quilt that is ready for the donation pile.”
Here is quilt #2…
Ray writes:
Jean in WI sent this top to you and you forwarded it to me. It is a rather small quilt, 32 x 32, but it is beautiful in its red, white, and blue splendor.
I debated on whether to add a border or two and decided against it. This quilt is going to Hope Hospice and they like getting small quilts like this to lay across a patient’s lap when they are in a wheelchair. The quilt helps to provide a bit of modesty with those anti-modesty gowns. Jean did a superb job with the piecing. All the corners and points were perfect.
I found some red fabric that was similar to the red in the top and used it for the backing and binding. The backing fabric came from Deb and Pat in FL.
Since there was a huge heart in the middle of the star, I decided to go with the heart motif and white thread. Even though it is not regulation QOV size, I can bet you that Hope will have it on a deserving veteran. Thanks to you, Jean, Deb, and Pat for making this quilt a reality.”
Wow…both were really nice quilts. Like Ray, I really loved that star quilt. I think it will find the perfect home as a lap robe for a veteran. Thanks to everyone who helped bring these projects to a finish.
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