Last school holidays, my daughter and her cousin had some fun with temporary hair dye.
I bought this Loreal Colorista Hair Makeup (raspberry colour) from Woolworths and gave it a go. There are a variety of different colours, and they even work on darker hair.
How to colour hair
The girls wanted to an ombre type of look, but of course, you can cover the entire hair if preferred. I used one tube for both girls’ hair.
Following the application method on the packet is easy. Just put gloves on (and place an old towel over their shoulders), rub the dye into the hair, working from the ends upwards to get that ombre effect. No washing out!
Once it is dry (took only about 10-15 minutes), I combed it gently and then curled the hair. They LOVED it! It turned out so well! When you’re finished with the colour, just wash it out. The girls kept it for a few days.
When I did this last school holidays, I had a lot of questions which I have covered here.
What the hair colour looks like on brunette hair:
What the hair colour looks like on blonde hair:
The main questions I had were about concerns the colour would not wash out as some people said that had issues with that, particularly with blonde hair. I took a picture of the hair post-wash. Apparetning there is special shampoo you can get, but I just used what we had and had no issues with the colour coming out.
How to curl hair
The other questions I had were about curling hair. I am not an expert but have developed my own way of doing this that I find works well, even on really thick, straight hair. It’s pretty easy (but does take time), and there is a process that I do to make sure it holds well.
What you need:
Dry Shampoo Hair Spray Curling Wand Brush Allagaror clips (optional)
I always find putting a bit of dry shampoo helps the curls grip, so that is the first step. Then brush the hair well. Do a light spray over with hairspray. Next step, use a curling wand to curl strands of hair. The BIG tip is once you release it from the wand, don’t pull it out yet. Just let it kind of sit in a loop. I usually just pile it on the top of the head at this point. You can use alligator clips to hold the loops up. I don’t typically, and you don’t need to stress about them falling down, it’s just a matter of allowing them to cool without disruption. Repeat this process all over the head. I usually pin the crown hair up and work around the head, and then release the crown parts in sections and curl them. Once all the hair is curled, spray hairspray all around the hair well. ONCE HAIR IS COOL gently allow all the curls to fall down. At this point, depending on the type of hair, it might be really bouncy (too bouncy in some cases) but don’t worry. The next step is to gently separate and pull at the curls until they are the way you like. DO NOT BRUSH THE HAIR. If you want softer waves instead of curls, use a really wide tooth comb and run it through the curls. To achieve the look I have below, I just separated some of the curls with my hands. My niece (on the left) has REALLY thick straight-ish hair that doesn’t tend to curl well, and her curls lasted all day. My daughter (on the right) has naturally curly hair and her hair curls really easily and lasts really well.
You can also do this process with a ponytail. Just pull hair back in a ponytail and then do the curling process above with the hair. Because my daughter already has wavy hair, this only takes under 10 minutes and lasts all day.
We might have to try a purple or blue colour this holidays! You can follow along on Instagram.
#OmbrePinkColour #DyeHairPink #TemporaryHairColour #PinkHairColour #Random