Kanye Wests Entire Body Gets Covered in Silver & The Internet Is In Stitches

Image via Liam Goodner / Shutterstock.com

Kanye West looks bizarre in an all-silver ensemble for his new opera Mary.

West wore a silver vinyl robe and painted his whole face and hands in the same color, as well. The other performers were also decked in similar outfits from head to toe.

The rapper was all about the metallic shade, as he donned a baggy silver flare top and matching pants. He also had silver socks and metallic YEEZY slides on to complete the look.

West even had his hands and feet painted in the same shade. He took to Twitter to promote his opera, which was directed by Nicole Beecroft.

The internet took great pleasure in poking fun at West and his teams wild wardrobe and makeup choices. The jokes came in thick and fast, and many likened the look to Wizard of Ozs Tin Man, living statues in touristy spots, and more.

Here are some of the best reactions from Twitter.

https://t.co/vMQGJvr1YU pic.twitter.com/DcZHgEW1VG

ye (@kanyewest) December 6, 2019

How can you be so heartless? - The Tin Man pic.twitter.com/cKSikZY09X

Otto Von Biz Markie (@Passionweiss) December 9, 2019

I want gold Cee lo Green to fight chrome Kanye West pic.twitter.com/dvHRxiBu0q

mason more jelly (@balloutboy305) December 9, 2019


Fuck donald trump (@ExhibitC137) December 9, 2019

Kanye West looking like he came into contact with the Big Gete Star pic.twitter.com/7cHwrixdry

Fither and Flair (@FitherAndFlair) December 9, 2019

Kanye West aka The Silver Surfer pic.twitter.com/3JlF0BcIdH

Daily Loud (@DailyLoud) December 9, 2019

The Wizard Of Oz reboot looks trash pic.twitter.com/C27F28vxhK

mitch (@limitedmitch) December 9, 2019


#KanyeWest pic.twitter.com/CLXtSCwNY5

boblee_official (@bobs_boblee) December 9, 2019

no one man should have all that pewter pic.twitter.com/lrO0XCxlow

netw3rk (@netw3rk) December 9, 2019

At this moment Only God can save us from Kanye West
Fat budget silver surfer pic.twitter.com/57z5KNtBg8

CHIEf , THE DADDY (@umar_ayotunde) December 9, 2019

I see you Mr West #KanyeWestSundayService pic.twitter.com/EG48TS03qF

BecomeJoshua (@BecomeJoshua) December 9, 2019

[via Yahoo, opening image via Liam Goodner / Shutterstock.com]