What am I supposed to do with that?
Merry Christmas babe, knock yourself out with your warm feet and crystal clear windows?
That is why, being the good wife that I am (ahem) I keep a little list of things he mentions throughout the year or things I see around the internet that I think he would appreciate (in addition to the window cleaner and socks).
So without further ado, here is the gift guide for the hard to shop for guy.
Cord Reel – I’m not sure what men do when they go “work in the barn” but apparently it involves electricity because I feel like Joe has one of these on his list every year. The one he has in the pole barn is rest assured, always perfectly wound up and stored straight on his work bench.
Pillow – You’re going to learn a lot about Joe in this article. He is the type of guy that takes his own pillow with him every time he is going to sleep somewhere other than his house. He even takes his own pillow to our cottage, where we also have pillows. This leaves his pillow suffering after a year of travel and use. I searched around and Good Housekeeping suggested this was the number one rated all around pillow.
Work Boots – Joe used goes through about a pair of boots every few months because he grabs whatever ones are on sale at the farm coop. I bought him a pair of good hunter rubber boots and year after year they hold their shape and function. I have a few pairs myself, one being almost 8 years old. They are durable and long lasting and in my opinion, worth the extra funds.
Dress Coat – The men in my family love free merch. Working for a chain of convenience stores they typically get zip up jackets with beef jerky or pop company logos. That is great for work, not for date night. I bought Joe a nice dress coat from J.Crew two years ago and it looks good with professional suits and date night denim. Right now the entire site is on sale too!
Robe – Every other year joe gets a robe for Christmas. The waffle weave robe from Pottery Barn/ William Sonoma is the best vacation style robe. I typically sneak one for myself in that purchase too.
Sous Vide – This is something that Joe bought for me on my birthday but we’ve both have been enjoying cooking with it. If your guy likes to cook, this is a great new tool for the kitchen. It allows you to cook meat to the perfect temperature and then finish on the grill or oven. I season my meat, seal the bag and drop it in the pot with my sous vide and in a couple hours (depending on what I’m cooking) the meal is ready. I like to finish the meat on either my staub cast iron pans or Breville smart oven broiler.
Tile – When Joe loses his keys or phone, the house gets torn apart. The most calm and rational man I know turns into a blind tornado when trying to find something, especially when he’s in a hurry. These Tiles can help locate your phone even when it’s on silent. If you leave something behind you can activate the “Tile Community” and anyone who has a tile can help you find your lost item.
Yeti Cooler – This one is pricy, I get it. But i’m here to tell you it’s worth the investment. I bought two “dupes” previous to an actual Yeti and the Yeti cannot be beat. I keep a small one in my trunk for farmer market and grocery days ( I live about 45 minutes from where I shop) or if I go to the farmers market in the morning, it keeps my items cold until I get home. Joe uses his to let his brisket rest, take to deer camp or packing things up for the cottage. If your guy uses a cooler regularly he will LOVE a yeti.
Cologne – I was in a small shop in Chicago a few years ago and found this Cologne in their men’s area. They no longer carry this scent but I was able to find it online and have been ordering it since. Next to Burberry, this cologne is my favorite for guys. The scent is a unique woodsy scent without being too heavy. It’s very unique and one of my favorites.
Gift Guide for the Hard to Shop for Guy
| 1. Extension Cord and Reel | 2. Pillow | 3. Work Boots | 4. Dress Coat |
| 5. Robe | 6. Sous Vide | 7. Tile | 8. Cooler | 9. Cologne |
I just officially finished up my holiday shopping this weekend and almost everything is wrapped. I had to rewrap a few things because I tripped when going to water the tree and spilled almost an entire bucket of water on the ground soaking the bottom of some of my gifts.
However par for the course of 2020 right?
What do you think of the gift guide for the hard to shop for guy? Did I miss anything? Is there something the men in your life appreciate at Christmas time? Share in the comments!
Gift Guide: For the hard to shop for guy
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