How many of these guilty pleasures examples have you done during the last few months?
What are examples of guilty pleasures?
Before we get into the full and complete list, I want to explain the thought process behind the grouping. Think about how you feel when you eat a whole pint of ice cream. You know that you shouldn’t do it. You know that it’s not something that you do often, but when you do … you feel a little bit naughty and absolutely excited.
It’s a bad thing… and a gift all at the same time. You know you won’t over indulge on a regular basis. So, when you do, you savor every single second of the experience.
Does it have to relate to food intake? Absolutely not! For me, a guilty pleasure example could be eating an entire bag of Doritos, but for you… it could be keeping up with the Kardashians! Everyone’s world turns differently!
Unlike simple pleasures in life, indulging in these examples of guilty pleasures happen infrequently. That’s what make them special.
Top Guilty Pleasures List – 60 Things We Refuse To Give Up
So, let’s break down this guilty pleasures list and walk through 60 things most people just refuse to give us. These are habits or treats that bring us too much joy during times when we absolutely NEED IT THE MOST.
Late night snacking App games Online shopping Lunch dates with girlfriends Ordering takeout food multiple times a week An extra scoop of ice cream One more glass of wine Sleeping in late on the weekends The perfect selfie Reading TMZ Celebrity crushes Scrolling back to the first photo on a crush’s Instagram account Disney movie binging Eating an entire bag of Doritos Facebook stalking Reading your town’s crime blotter in the local paper Following @bestofnextdoor on Twitter The Tiger King Tabloid Magazines Having a secret YouTube account that nobody in your life knows about HGTV and Food Network Eating dessert before dinner Knowing everything about a celebrity feud Pretending to house hunt Playing Animal Crossing A visit to Sephora Solving serial killer podcasts before the answer is revealed Arriving late to a function you don’t to be attend Reality Television TikTok Organizing your house the way you want Flirting with a stranger Listening to someone with a British accent Late night greasy food Chocolate. Period. Pinterest Recreating Social Media Binge watching a show Skipping out on a diet Vacation planning Acting out a sexual fantasy you’ve always had Pimple popping Cosplay Treating their pets as their children Spending an incredible amount of money on beauty supplies Snuggling into that perfect hotel bed and pillow combo Putting things in an online cart and then never purchasing Eating raw cookie dough Eating breakfast for dinner Taking all the soaps from a hotel room Listening to 80s music A fuzzy robe Singing in the car as loud as you can Knowing every line to your favorite movie Fast food restaurants Eating Nutella right out of the jar Trashy romance novels The perfect bubble bath The Kardashians Regifting an awful gift What’s your guilty pleasure?
As I mentioned above, not everyone will have the same guilty pleasures. In fact, I’d expect that most of us will have a very different guilty pleasures list if we all sat down and created our own.
But that’s the beauty of the world, right? Different opinions and strokes for different folks! Isn’t that what they say?
I would love to hear what kind of guilty pleasure examples you lean on when you need a boost of energy or joy pumped into your life. What do you like to do late at night?
50 Things To Eat This Summer: Bucket List
The post Top Guilty Pleasures List – 60 Things We Refuse To Give Up appeared first on Lady and the Blog.
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