Conquer your fears on the Nintendo Switch with Fobia, on sale now

Are you searching for an excellent game for your Switch but want to get great deals? We've found the best games for a fraction of their price!

Have you played all of your Nintendo Switch games, and you're looking for a bit more fun? I know how pricey they can be, especially if you're on a budget and can't spend $60 on a game. Here at iMore, we have found some great games currently on sale. If any of these types of games spark your interest, be sure to check them out by clicking the links below.

Pre-order options on Amazon

Here's every game you can pre-order on Amazon right now. Just click the title to check it out!

Physical game cartridge sales on Amazon right now. Get them quick!

Sometimes you can find a couple of gems on Amazon for sale, but make sure you catch them quickly. While Amazon is great for prices and fast delivery, they don't always let us know how long a sale will last. Every week we'll update this section to keep it fresh to make sure you pop back in regularly to see what we have in store for you!

Sushi Striker: The Way of the Sushido

$50 $13

Eat as many plates of sushi as you can by matching plates and use the plates as weapons in this puzzle combat game.

See at Amazon

Slay the Spire

$30 $20

In this card game, you build your deck on your way to defeat the Spire. The journey is everchanging, giving you a unique experience each time.

See at Amazon


$35 $17

Explore the beautiful countryside of Truberbrook in this sci-fi mystery. The unique visuals in this game were created by photogrammetry, making for a world that is wonderfully made to scale.

See at Amazon

eShop games on sale this week

You don't have to spend a fortune to find awesome games for the Nintendo Switch. Every week the eShop hosts new sales for you to peruse. We've gathered the best deals on the best games and placed them below.


$10 $1

This game is all about overcoming your fears. Carefully make your way through this world where anything can kill you.

See at Nintendo

The Jackbox Party Pack 5

$30 $18

Board game style brought to digital and with a little twist of humor. This is the fifth installment of the series featuring five different games you can play with controls from your phone.

See at Nintendo


$20 $16

Master the art of illusion and escape this crazy dream world. Pre-order this puzzle game at a discount and test out your skills on July 7.

See at Nintendo

What are your favorite sales?

Any games you love that are currently on sale? Let us know in the comments below.

Updated June 29, 2020: Updated for games on sale this week.

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Nintendo Switch

$299 at Amazon