Exploring #RPGaDAY

With #RPGaDAY looming ever closer, I thought it was time to share the alternative version of this year's prompts graphic. The prompts are the same, don't worry, but the graphic you can use is very different.

Last year when Anthony Boyd and I were discussing the new format for #RPGaDAY, changing it from full questions to single word prompts, the concept of producing the list as a map came up. Will Brook's awesome graphic has become the "board game" or possibly even the outside terrain map of the month's prompts - produced on a cool hex-grid. Especially as this year's colours really make you think of those old terrain maps from the 80's.

This year, however, we thought we'd go all in and produce a dungeon map. It's a simple dungeon, with one route through it that takes you through the 31 prompts as locations. I set out to have a go at doing it myself, but I haven't drawn a dungeon map in decades and it was awful. 

So I called in my very good buddy Simon Miles from Dunromin University Press. I've known him since I was about five, so that's *cough* years... He was also one of our regular Dungeon Masters back in my teens, and I've started playing 1st Ed AD&D again recently with Simon as the DM after a break of thirty-five-odd years. Just like old times with the old D&D group!

Simon's never really stopped DMing and creating, and you can find his publications and dungeons on DrivethruRPG through the Dunromin University Press website.

Awesome map. And it adds a new element to the experience of #RPGaDAY... you could use the prompts to act as inspiration for encounters within the rooms of the dungeon, and even run a room a day as an actual play! Fab!

Remember, if you'd prefer the old graphic, you can find that below, along with translations of the prompts.

#RPGaDAY2020 Prompts

1    Beginning
2    Change
3    Thread   
4    Vision
5    Tribute
6    Forest
7    Couple
8    Shade
9    Light
10    Want
11    Stack
12    Message
13    Rest
14    Banner
15    Frame
16    Dramatic
17    Comfort   
18    Meet
19    Tower
20    Investigate    
21    Push    
22    Rare
23    Edge
24    Humour
25    Lever
26    Strange
27    Favour
28    Close
29    Ride
30    Portal
31    Experience

The RPGaDAY2020 Prompts in Spanish, translated thanks to Roberto Micheri.
  1. Comienzos
  2. Cambio
  3. Hilo o Enhebrar
  4. Visón
  5. Tributo
  6. Bosque
  7. Pareja o Par
  8. Sombra o Sombrear
  9. Luz
  10. Deseo o Necesidad
  11. Pila, Apilar o Montón
  12. Mensaje
  13. Descanso
  14. Estandarte o Consigna
  15. Marco o Esqueleto
  16. Dramático
  17. Comodidad, Consuelo o Alivio
  18. Satisfacer, Cumplir o Reunirse
  19. Torre
  20. Investigar
  21. Empujar
  22. Raro o Extraño
  23. Borde, Ventaja o Límite
  24. Humor
  25. Palanca
  26. Extraño
  27. Favor
  28. Cerrar
  29. Montar o Paseo
  30. Portal
  31. Experiencia

We've also had the prompts translated into German by ShineShadow and Michael L. Jaegers, many thanks!!

1 Anfang
2 Veränderung
3 Verlauf  
4 Vision
5 Tribut
6 Wald
7 Paar
8 Schatten
9 Licht
10 Wollen
11 Stapel
12 Nachricht
13 Ruhe
14 Banner
15 Rahmen
16 Dramatisch
17 Komfort  
18 Treffen
19 Turm
20 Nachforschen  
21 Drängen  
22 Selten
23 Grenze
24 Humor
25 Hebel
26 Seltsam
27 Gunst
28 Ende
29 Reiten
30 Portal
31 Erfahrung