Re-Roll: This Week’s Tabletop Game News for the Week Ending July 16, 2021

Here is the board game (and board game-related!) news that caught our attention for the week ending July 16, 2021.

Gaming News

  • Raising Good Gamers has unveiled a new anti-bullying campaign in partnership with Cartoon Network. Announced during this week’s Games for Change festival, the campaign is to “support Cartoon Network’s award-winning, pro-social initiative, Stop Bullying, Speak Up, Raising Good Gamers will debut a new anti-bullying PSA and microsite with resources that aim to give kids the tools to handle online bullying in gaming communities.”
  • Big G Creative has announced Ghosted, “a classic ‘whodunnit’ game with a supernatural twist. The suspects are hilarious, the motives are all too real (hoarding TP, anyone?) and the weapons are wacky. The first player to solve the mystery of their own demise wins!” The game is due in Target by mid-July.
  • After several shipping delays, which we have reported on here, Pandasaurus has Brew available at last. However, the company’s website is sold out, so you will need to get a copy from your local game store. They are, however, giving away three copies of the game and the Companion Creature mini-expansion.
  • Ares has teamed up with Phalanx to release Rocketmen, a deck-building game where one to four players compete to explore space. It should be available at local game stores now.
  • Portal Games is now accepting pre-orders for their highly anticipated Dune: House Secrets. The cooperative story-driven game is inspired by the new movie version of the story. The game is due out in the fourth quarter.
  • Japanime Games is taking pre-orders for Attack on Titan: The Last Stand, a new game from Antoine Bauza and Ludovic Maublanc. Due out soon, the game feathers two vertical playing surfaces and is for 2-5 players.
  • Gen Con has announced that the event catalog for Gen Con Online will be released on August 15. They also announced that Czech Games Edition will be a co-sponsor this year. And finally, they have announced new COVID policies: vaccinated guests will not be required to wear masks, while unvaccinated guests will have to. They have further decided that they will not move forward with plans to have timed entries into the exhibit hall, but are still prohibiting vendors from offering limited exclusives. At this time, no one from GeekDad is planning to attend.
  • With Gen Con following in the footsteps of UKGE in their approach to the pandemic, Essen Spiel is kicking the trend: “medical-grade protective face masks” will be mandatory for everyone, and only those who are vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID test within 48 of attending.
  • The house that inspired Cluedo (the game known as Clue on this side of the pond) is up for sale. The house, located near Brighton in England, includes a billiards room and a ballroom, and a secret passage from the kitchen. The house is selling for £1M, which is roughly $1.3M as of today.
  • Renegade is releasing The Three Little Wolves, designed by Oni. The house-building card game for 2-4 players is available for pre-order.
  • Also for pre-order this week: Monopoly: Animal Crossing Edition.
  • Our featured image this week is Foodies.

GeekDad Reviews

Here’s what we reviewed this week:

What We’re Playing

Finally, here’s what the GeekDads played this week:

  • Jonathan Liu played Summer Camp, The 7th Continent, 1-2-3 Cheese!, Bargain Quest, Destinies, Jungle Race, Machi Koro: Legacy, My Farm Shop, A Potato Salad Card Game, Super Mega Lucky Box, Sutakku, Torpedo Dice, Truths Too Terrible, and Wok and Roll.
  • Robin Brooks played Necromunda and Evil Corp.
  • Michael Pistiolas played Ticket to Ride, Marvel Champions, Cribbage, Mancala, Downforce, Skyjo, Draftosaurus, Sprawlopolis, and Ugly Gryphon Inn.

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