Hello friend; I know it’s been a heavy (understatement) week in so many ways. I hope you’ve found a way to process and proceed in a way that has brought some peace back to you and perhaps some actionable change to our world. We all have different parts to play and finding the small ways we can best contribute to the betterment of our society can feel empowering. I hope you have found that.
I’m about to make breakfast and get Hailey logged into her Synthesis session. We have a boat rental set up for tonight and I hope the rain is officially moved out of here because I’m really looking forward to some time on the water with family and friends. But first I wanted to share a few favorite things in life lately and if you have anything you’re loving lately, I’d love to hear what it is in the comments!
New Game!
Aunt Cara and Uncle Kris gave Kaitlyn a new board game for her birthday. Any long time reader knows we are big fans of Ticket to Ride Europe and Settlers of Catan, and now Trekking the World might be coming for the top spot!
It is played with 2-5 players, takes 30-60 minutes to complete a game, and my favorite thing about it is that it’s helping us with world geography. We’re naming continents and famous places and the girls have asked me to play every day since we first opened the game last week. It’s for ages 8 and up and requires the same level of concentration Catan took when first learning to play, but we watched the recommended video that took about 5 minutes, then we were set! Highly recommend Trekking the World!

Summer School Vibes
I adore the stage we are in with the girls at ages 10 and 8. I remember feeling like I’d be so sad as they grew out of the little kid ages and stages but so far I have yet to reach an age I don’t enjoy. I love that our playroom is covered with Barbies and American Girl dolls and Legos and half finished art projects.
While we aren’t technically going to be done with school until after testing next week, we are feeling those summer school vibes which include them making cooking shows on iMovie, wordle, sewing camp, swimming in the lake, reading aloud (especially during afternoon storms), games. Yes, it includes math and typing daily, too, but the overall more relaxed vibe is so refreshing right now!

Podcasts Lately
What podcasts have you been listening to lately? I’m always looking for recommendations and would love to hear your favorites! I feel like my interests are all over the place but typically fall back to health or financially focused. A few I’ve been clicking on more than others lately include:
If you are a fan of buying books, you probably already know about Thriftbooks, an online consignment bookstore. It’s an amazing way to snag some great deals on gently used books (you can pick what condition you prefer the book to be in and get a deeper discount for the ones in rougher shape). I’ve been on a mission to build my personal home library of herbal remedies, canning, and gardening type books and it’s been a great way to get some good deals. I’ll put together a post with my favorite books once I’ve gotten to explore some more of them, but it’s been a lot of fun for me to pick friends’ brains on their favorites on the topic. If you have any books you would recommend in this genre, please share with me!

Memorial Day Sales
Click and Grow countertop gardens are 25-35% off based on the model.
The code AHEALTHYSLICE will give you $50 off your Lumen this weekend only. Read my Lumen review here.
Butcher Box is offering new members a free Grilling Bundle— two, 10 oz ribeye steaks, 5 lbs. of chicken drumsticks, and a pack of burgers for FREE in their first order! Read about why I use Butcher Box and my favorite items here.
Joy Organics is offering 20% off your full order on Memorial Day. Read more about my experience with CBD here.
I hope you have a fun and restorative weekend!