
Ted Nugent Wants to Know Where the Shutdowns Were for COVID-1 Through COVID-18 — No, Really

Ted Nugent Wants to Know Where the Shutdowns Were for COVID-1 Through COVID-18 — No, Really

The COVID-19 pandemic did a pretty good job showing which musicians, celebrities, friends, and family members believe in science and which pref...
Nearly two decades years after the release of The Fellowship of the Ring, fans are still discovering new things in Peter Jackson‘s The Lord of the Rings trilogy

Nearly two decades years after the release of The Fellowship of the Ring, fans are still discovering new things in Peter Jackson‘s The Lord of the Rings trilogy

There’s a lot of material to cover, with the three lengthy theatrical releases further extended in their home video editions. Which is why it’s so...
Rufus Wainwright Recruits Family and Friends for ‘Hard Times’ Cover

Rufus Wainwright Recruits Family and Friends for ‘Hard Times’ Cover

Saturday marked the end of Rufus Wainwright's 60-day Quarantunes/Robe Recitals Instagram series, and the singer-songwriter closed it out with a b...
The post How To Spend Your Stimulus Check The Right Way appeared first on Peaceful Dumpling.

The post How To Spend Your Stimulus Check The Right Way appeared first on Peaceful Dumpling.

As American dumplings must have heard by now,  a majority of working Americans are due to receive a $1,200 stimulus check to counter the eff...
9 Super-Sale Nordstrom Finds That’ll Make You Feel Better About Staying Put

9 Super-Sale Nordstrom Finds That’ll Make You Feel Better About Staying Put

It’s small luxuries like a fancy bar of soap, flower-pressed pasta, and a terry cotton robe that ensure we never grow bored of our surroundings...

Everyday, the headlines are dire

All we see on our TV screens, and read or watch from online feeds are lockdowns, rising statistics of confirmed cases and deaths — all because of ...